10 Dec 2019 - Release Notes

We created a new customer success page which brings together all the helpful information we often share with customers on their journey to making the most of Secure Data Kit. Check out our customer success page for case studies, use cases and tools & resources to see how others are leveraging Secure Data Kit to transform lives with data.

Sometimes our customers with editing permissions need to delete records. Deleting them worked just fine as long as you didn't sort or search on the column, but as soon as you did perform a sort of search deleting the record became impossible! This was very inconvenient (and unintentional!). We fixed this, so now you can delete a record no matter what you've done before.

Last but not least, we improved routing after login. What does this mean? Have you ever been sent a link to a project in SDK but then realize you're not logged in? Well, after you log in you'd naturally expect to end up on the project that you were linked to, but it would actually take you back to the main dashboard. Now that doesn't happen (because we didn't want to drive you insane) and after login, you'll be sent exactly where you expect to be sent!