11 Oct 2018 - Release Notes

A customer reported an issue they encountered when trying to download the dataset records to a CSV. The CSV would show all records from the dataset crammed into a single row, rather than dedicating one row for each record. The root cause was quickly identified and a fix was deployed, and this issue is no longer occurring. Now, when you download your dataset records to a CSV you will find that each record has its own dedicated row in the CSV.

A huge Thank You to our great customers for reporting issues like this to us, and helping us build a more sustainable platform!

If you're reading this, and wondering how to download your dataset records to a CSV, read on! First, you need to have download permissions from a project admin. Contact your project's admin to grant you these permissions if you need the ability to download your data.

  • In the Dataset section of your project, click on the three little dots to the left of the dataset you'd like to download, and select 'Download Dataset Records (CSV)'

  • Wait just a few moments, and check your inbox! (This may need a few minutes for large datasets)
  • You'll see an email from noreply@securedatakit with the subject line 'Dataset Export Requested.' Open that email, and click the link to download your CSV file.